Thursday, February 28, 2008

Great To See Good Friends

We thought for sure we would miss seeing our good friends from Indiana because of Dwane's accident, but they were so kind to call us, making time to see Dwane. They are two great people. Patrick and Jennifer spoke of marriage for a while and what do you know, they went and did it!

We're so happy for them! Things are looking up for them too!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

He's home and I'm sick

I'm sick, but not because of Dwane being home. I've been sick for a couple of days. The weekend must have gotten to me. I felt horrible Sunday, then Monday. Now today. Hope to feel better tomorrow. Need my strength.

Dwane is resting soundly after a meal of Marie Calendar's turkey pot pie. He loves those things. Salty plus! Whew!

I gave him more of his medication to help him sleep deeply. He has a slight fever, but that's expected, I hear. I don't know, I'm no medicine man.

I worry for him. I hate to leave him by himself while I'm at work. Shouldn't complain. I'm not alone in these situations. Buck up, Skip. Dwane will get better.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Dwane comes home tomorrow

I got a call from Susan at Rehab of the Pacific. She asked me about my experience at home care, especially regarding rehabilitation methods, occupational therapy, etc. I've not much, I told her, but I did help him with his exercises. It did the trick for Dwane then, and I told her that it would be no problem to help him again with his therapy now.

He looked good tonight. He still goes in and out of sleep, but that's understandable. He went through a lot with this breakage. His hips are just plain getting old and brittle. Dang.

By the time summer gets here, he should be able and ready to receive his grandson who is coming to visit.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

George Bush drunk while giving speech

Naw, not the Prez! He's pure! He's the man! He's the blessed Prez! He doesn't get drunk . . . or does he?

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Dwane Does It Again

Well, we thought it might happen again, just not so soon. Dwane took a fall while I was at work and fractured his right thigh bone just below the hip. Ouch!

He's okay. A real trooper this time. Luckily, he had his cell phone with him or I would not have known about it until late in the evening.

Hang in there, buddy!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Dwane's Tattoo

Some friends from Denmark talked Dwane into getting a tattoo. Actually, Dwane had the desire for one long before they came up with a tattoo that Dwane really liked.

Braving it out, he got this:

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Lars-Peter and Lulu visited us from Denmark and helped Dwane get a tattoo. Can't wait to get a picture of it to show it off!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bush Lies Cheney Lies Rumsfeld LIES

An uneven clip, but still makes you pissed off.

US War Criminals - The Bush Lies Montage

No one listened as he snuck into office. No one listened for a long time. What will it take to make people listen, to realize this man and his cronies are really bad business. I support the ideals of America, not the self-serving ideals of this man and his henchmen. They are NOT America. We are America. Americans, wake the fuck up and get rid of this embarrassment!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Wet Winter

Got these from my cousin in Hilo. Wet indeed.