he's not quite doing cartwheels . . . yet.
On June 15th, Tom met us at the rehab hospital after we finally got the wheelchair problem solved and the walker. The prescriptions for the medications was touch and go, but we finally got that straightened out.
Joanne, the RN, escorted us to the front of the hospital where we waited for Tom to come and pick us up.
After picking up Dwane's prescriptions at Straub, we went home where I set up Dwane in bed so he could relax. He seldom got a full eight hours sleep at Straub and at Rehab Hospital of the Pacific. Nurses and aides kept disturbing him to take either blood, give him pills, or serve him a meal. Poor guy.
Later that afternoon, Sandy, from Hawaii Home Care, came over and took care of the paperwork while we administered his IV drip of antibiotics for his staph infection. It should clear up by July 9th (we hope), then we won't have to worry about the IV anymore, and, perhaps, the Bactrim tablets.