Wednesday, June 22, 2005


While Dwane recuperates from his hip operation, there's the anticipation of Valerie and Brennen arriving (Valerie first, then Brennen). Yesterday, Valerie and a friend of hers drove her car to San Diego to have it shipped to Hawai`i.

Tomorrow, she will be arriving here in Honolulu! My Gawd! I can't believe how time flew by since her announcement that she and Brennen were going to move here!

Tomorrow will also be busy for Dwane and I. We go back to see Dr. Pien for a follow-up regarding Dwane's staph. Hope the news is good.

Dwane's home rehab exercises have suffered of late. We suddenly discovered (duh) a way to have the rehab therapist come up to the condo. Have a combination lock box, you know, the kind that real estate agents use when showing a piece of property with a key inside to open the house? Well, we could have done that! I can't believe we missed that! Dwane could have been exercising all this time! Maybe next time . . . what am I saying????

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